Monday, July 21, 2008

eff the effing eff

oh no, oh no, ohnoohononoono! i missed a post. upon breaking my slumber this morning i realized that i totally forgot to post yesterday. i am sorry. my only excuses involve lack of sleep and jean-luc picard, and those aren't very good. everyone (the aether and/or the 'royal' everyone) please forgive my horrible lapse.

i'm writing this without reading gregory's last post. i feel so behind. i am a behind. ha.


here's a list of my vows:
drink one amount of water equal to each amount of coffee imbibed
post EVERY day
get more sleep
learn how to say 'no' and graciously
stop being so hard on myself

m'kay, bye. i'm not sure if i should post twice today to make up for yesterday that way i have 365 posts at the end or if i should leave yesterday blank like a gaping tooth hole or for the prophet. hmmmm... methinks 365. will ask g.

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