Friday, August 15, 2008


today i missed the train by two inches. i could have reached out and felt the cold steel on my fingertips as it pulled from the station. i ran two blocks in a tube top and flip-flops and kept my iPod the whole way. so sad.

then, because the steel bridge is closed, i walked under it to the broadway bridge, up the stairs, down onto lovejoy and finally to work. truly, i am not complaining because i got to walk a while in the beautiful day, listen to music and smile at cute boys.

aaaah, summer.

(p.s. this is post number 27 for me. I've invited "myself" to be a contributor so that I don't have to log out of MY gmail in order to post here... yay! except now it links to my Renjitsu blog, but whatevs. <3 me!)

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